πŸ’β€β™€οΈGetting Started

To access Catalyst, click the 'Connect Wallet' button at the top-right of the homepage. Choose from traditional logins like email or Google, or connect a web3 wallet.


Each account created on Catalyst automatically generates a wallet address that is capable of holding and managing tokens. This means that your account serves a dual function: it verifies your identity and provides you with a blockchain wallet for token transactions.

Accounts on Catalyst are non-custodial, meaning you have full control over your wallet and its security. As a core tenet of web3, the responsibility for safeguarding access to your account rests solely with users; Molecule cannot recover lost passwords or access your wallet, highlighting the importance of secure password management.

Login & Creating an Account

Step 1: Go to Catalyst

Step 2: Click the 'Connect Wallet' button (top-right corner)

Step 3: Select your login of choice

  • If you don't have an Ethereum wallet: You can login with your email address or social login to create a Privy embedded wallet. However, this wallet will be unique to Catalyst, and you will not be able to use it across other applications. If you are interested in creating an externally-owned account, that you can use with other applications, learn more here.

  • If you already have an Ethereum wallet: Click 'Continue with a wallet' and connect your wallet there.

Note: Catalyst is still in closed beta. If you are participating in the early-access beta program, you will need to login via the email you shared with us. If you receive a message that says "You don't have access to this app", please fill out the application form so that we can add your email to the allowlist.

Step 4: Edit your profile

  • If you are logged in, click the top-right button showing your wallet address (0x...) to open the dropdown menu

  • Click Profile

    • This is your profile page, where you can see the projects you own tokens in (My Portfolio), and projects you have created (My Projects)

    • At the top of the screen, you can see how many projects you have created (Projects Launched), joined (Projects Joined), and your total contributions to all projects (Total Contributions).

  • In the top-right hand corner, click the button called Edit Profile

    • Set a username

    • Connect your email (if you haven't already)

Last updated