πŸ’²How to fund projects?

If you want to fund research projects via Catalyst, you can do so by contributing ETH to projects.

Step 1 - Discover a Project

Set Up or Connect a Wallet:

  • Make sure you have a compatible cryptocurrency wallet set up and funded with Base ETH. Recommended wallets include MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, and Rainbow Wallet, among others that support ERC-20 tokens. Catalyst also supports embedded wallets via social login, such as email.

  • Connect your wallet to the Catalyst platform using the provided connect button. Ensure you are on the correct network, Base Network.

Review Projects:

  • Browse the available projects on Catalyst.

  • Select a project you are interested in and review the project details, including information about the lead researcher, funding goals, research impact, go-to-market strategy and more.

Step 2 - Contribute Base ETH

Contribute to a Project:

  • On the project page, enter the amount of Base ETH you wish to contribute.

  • To get Base ETH, you can onramp funds directly using Moonpay / Coinbase or bridge funds from mainnet to Base.

  • Confirm the transaction in your wallet and wait for it to be processed.

Step 3 - Receive IPTs

Post-Funding Process: Once the funding goal of the selected project is reached, the negotiation phase begins. This phase can last a maximum of 12 weeks. During the negotiation phase, funds are locked in the project's wallet. After the negotiation is completed, the IP-NFT will be minted and one million IPTs will be issued.

Receive Tokens:

  • You'll receive IPTs that correspond to the ETH amount you contributed.

  • These tokens will be sent to your wallet and can be managed or traded.

Refund Policy: If the project does not reach its funding goal before the deadline, you’ll get a full refund of your contributed ETH.

Last updated