⚑Intro to IP-NFT

IP-NFTs digitize Intellectual Property by bridging it onchain.

IP-NFTs form a bridge between real-world Intellectual Property (IP) legal contracts and the blockchain, empowering scientists to embrace a new source of funding for their research and a new means for transacting on their discoveries. By enabling legal contracts, such as sponsored research agreements and patent licenses, to be transacted via digital smart contracts, IP-NFTs enable scientists to bring their real world discoveries to the digital onchain world to seamlessly raise funding and share the value of their discoveries.

With IP-NFTs, legal contracts find a new home within the immutable realm of smart contracts on Ethereum. This digitization paves the way for new possibilities. IP-NFTs can be seamlessly transferred peer-to-peer. They enable the equitable distribution of license and governance rights to communities, catalyzing collective intelligence and participation in shaping the destiny of scientific discoveries. Importantly, IP-NFTs unlock a world of composability with Decentralized Finance (DeFi) protocols, enabling integration of IP assets into the vibrant ecosystem of financial instruments and applications. By bridging the realms of IP and DeFi, IP-NFTs enable novel and powerful financial interactions and opportunities.

The impact of IP-NFTs is far-reaching, revolutionizing liquidity in IP markets and instilling a sense of excitement and possibility within the scientific community. These pioneering advancements exemplify how real-world legal rights can be seamlessly digitized, shared, and harnessed for the betterment of scientific progress.

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