⭐Catalyst Introduction

What is Catalyst?

Catalyst accelerates translational research by bringing researchers, experts, and funders onto a single platform to streamline discovery, refinement, and funding of early-stage research ideas.

The Challenge

Catalyst aims to bridge the funding gap in early-stage biotech research, addressing the mismatch between research impact and funding, and navigating the challenges of translating academic research to market-ready solutions.

Key Benefits

  • Researchers & Project Sourcers secure funding for research ideas and receive valuable advice from biotech experts.

  • Experts leverage their unique skill sets to guide research with translational potential.

  • Funders find promising projects, getting front-row insights and connecting directly with researchers.

Catalyst Diagram

How does Catalyst work?

  1. Researchers publish research projects onto the platform, seeking expertise and funding.

  2. Expert reviewers collaborate with the Researchers to develop the research idea into the best possible research and development program, receiving compensation for their contributions.

  3. Funders perform due diligence and contribute funds to promising projects.

  4. When the project reaches the funding goal, the parties finalize a research agreement. Molecule is available to help with negotiations.

  5. Once the parties accept the research agreement, funders get intellectual property rights in the form of intellectual property tokens (IPTs) and researchers receive funds for their project.

  6. If the project does not meet the fundraising goal or the research agreement negotiation fails, the protocol refunds funders' contributions.​​

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