πŸ”¬What is Molecule?

1. Molecule the protocol: Molecule created a hybrid legal-smart contract primitive called an IP-NFT. The IP-NFT protocol brings rights to IP and R&D data on-chain, unifying the legal rights, data access, and economics around research projects into cryptographic tokens on Ethereum.

2. Molecule the marketplace: On top of this new primitive, Molecule is building a marketplace that enables matchmaking between researchers and funders for translational research projects. Researchers and funders meet on Molecule Discovery to propose and evaluate research proposals, negotiate terms, and come to agreements.

3. Molecule the BioDAO launchpad: To foster demand and supply for the marketplace, Molecule builds and incubates bioDAOs, a new class of decentralized biotech IP and R&D organizations, through an incubator/accelerator program called bio.xyz. BioDAO communities consist of patients, researchers, and enthusiasts coming together to fund research in specific therapeutic areas.

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